Cross-Border Factoring is the ability of delivering and implementing factoring solutions for companies across the borders. BNP Paribas Factor offers two types of cross-border factoring solutions through our wide network; Multi-Local and Pan-European. These two solutions are different based on their implementation and operational process.


It is a factoring solution, provided for companies operating internationally, with subsidiaries in different jurisdictions and looking for a coordinated multi-country approach with a multi-country booking and follow-up (dunning, collection, …) where contracts and financing remain locally. Briefly, it is co-ordinated centrally and implemented locally. In this factoring solution, you have a local BNP Paribas Factoring contact person from the entity in your country.

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It is a factoring solution, provided to companies operating internationally, with subsidiaries in different jurisdictions, where a single entity books the receivables bought in other countries. The factoring contract is financed and managed out of one factoring entity (country). In this service, you have one central BNP Paribas Factoring contact person in the country where everything is co-ordinated.

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In BNP Paribas Factoring Group, we take pride in our network and capacity to support companies and their subsidiaries in their efforts to develop their business in Europe and beyond