For many companies, doing business internationally is the ultimate challenge. One of the biggest problems facing exporters is the increasing insistence by importers that trade should be conducted on open account terms. This often means that payment is received many weeks or even months after delivery. Our international network and our partnerships enable you to overcome cultural, language and currency issues in one go.

With the extensive coverage of the BNP Paribas Factoring network, we are able to offer you competitive financing, professional debt management and international credit risk protection.
Our factoring colleagues and partners located in your buyer’s country have professional, first-hand knowledge of all local practices and the legal framework.

We bridge language and time barriers in order to efficiently demand open payments, reliably assess creditworthiness and evaluate respective risks.

Financing will be provided by advances on outstanding receivables.

Strengthen your international business with our factoring solutions and benefit from attractive payment conditions and protection against default of receivables.


  • Increased sales in foreign markets by offering competitive terms of sale
  • Protection against loss of receivables with foreign customers
  • Accelerated cash flow through faster collection
  • Liquidity to boost working capital
  • Enhanced borrowing potential and an opportunity to make use of supplier discounts
  • Lower costs than the aggregate charges for Letter of Credit transactions

Are you interested in international factoring solutions? Then do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to advise you.


You benefit from the liquidity and security benefits that BNP Paribas Factor provides you , with 100% risk coverage and the immediate payment of up to 90% of your claims.

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Full-Service-Factoring provides immediate liquidity, relieves your receivables management and protects you from bad debts at the same time.

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Reverse-factoring allows you and your strategic supplier a win-win situation. The coordinated involvement of all parties makes it possible to optimise payment targets.

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Due-date-factoring the security variant among the factoring products. We assume the complete risk of a payment failure for you.

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Distribution finance

Distribution finance is a financing solution that is primarily tailored to the needs of automotive manufacturers and their trading partners.

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Multi-local solutions are particularly suitable for international companies looking for a coordinated cross-border programme that is centrally coordinated and locally implemented.

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Pan-European concepts are made for companies with centralised receivables management that are interested in a uniform factoring approach for all participating countries.

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With Export/ Import-factoring you benefit from attractive payment terms and the protection against bad debts in international business. 

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